Rohingya Amicus Briefs

The following are the amicus briefs and certain related filings for the ICC case on Rohingya Jurisdiction. 

Author  Title  Date of Filing 
Office of the Prosecutor  Prosecution’s Request for a Ruling on Jurisdiction under Article 19(3) of the Statute 


9 April 2018 
Global Rights Compliance  Submissions on Behalf of the Victims Pursuant to Article 19(3) of the Statute  30 May 2018 
Legal Representatives of Victims  Observations on Behalf of Victims from Tula-Toli  18 June 2018 
Women’s Initiatives for Gender Justice; Naripokkho; Ms. Sara Hossain; and European Center for Constitutional and Human Rights  Joint Observations Pursuant to Rule 103 of the Rules  18 June 2018 
Members of the Canadian Partnership for International Justice  Amicus Curiae Observations on the “Prosecution’s Request for a Ruling on Jurisdiction under Article 19(3) of the Statute”  18 June 2018 
International Commission of Jurists  Amicus Curiae Observations by the International Commission of Jurists (pursuant to Rule 103 of the Rules)  18 June 2018 
Bangladesh Non-Governmental Representatives  Amicus Curiae Observations by the Bangladeshi Non-Governmental Representative (pursuant to Rule 103 of the Rules)   18 June 2018 
Guerica 37 International Justice Chambers  Amicus Curiae Observations by Guernica 37 International Justice Chambers (pursuant to Rule 103 of the Rules)  18 June 2018 
Thayninga Institute for Strategic Studies 


Transmission of an Amicus Curiae Submission from the Thayninga Institute for Strategic Studies (Annex 1 of 9)  6 August 2018 
Pre-Trial Chamber  Decision on the Request of the Thayninga Institute for Strategic Studies for Leave to Submit Amicus Curiae Observations  10 August 2018 
Pre-Trial Chamber  Decision on the “Prosecution’s Request for a Ruling on Jurisdiction under Article 19(3) of the Statute”  

Partially Dissenting Opinion of Judge Marc Perrin de Brichambaut 

6 September 2018